WTF Learning
Machine learning has so many words and ideas that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to know what is happening. I have tried to capture some coherence here to aid discussions.
Some background terms
- Model: A machine learning model
- Task: the problem or objective a model is required to solve
- Skill: the ability of a model to perform a specific task
- Learning: the process by which a model improves its skill after gaining experience
- Pretext Task: a contrived task that may lead to learning on the actual task
- Target: the outcome expected for a given task or pretext task
- Sample/Example: a single unit of data observed in the learning process
- Dataset: collection of samples used to train or test a model
- Training: the process of increasing a model’s skill during learning
- Testing: the process of testing a model’s skill during learning
- Domain: specific area or field of knowledge from which the dataset comes
- Label/Class: a categorical target associated with a sample in a classification task
- Classes: the set of labels in a classification task
- Knowledge: factual information, patterns, and relationships a model has learned
- Embedding Space:
- Attributes:
Data Distribution Constraints
These are constraints placed on the learning due to the available dataset.
- Supervised learning
dataset includes the task's target
- Semi-supervised learning
only a subset of the dataset includes the task's target.
- Unsupervised learning
dataset does not include the task's target.
- Self-supervised learning
target created from a pretext task.
- Reinforcement learning
dataset only includes task's target in the last sample.
Data Sampling Constraints
The constraints arise due to limitations on how we can sample the dataset.
- (?) Zero-shot learning:
uses class attributes rather than label as a target.
- One-shot learning
where each class has one training sample.
- Few-Shot learning:
where each class has fewer than six training samples
- Continual/Lifelong/Incremental learning
learn new tasks without forgetting old tasks
- Online learning
training and testing simultaneously
- Batch learning
training followed by testing in separate activities
- Open Set learning
test samples from classes unseen during training
Approaches To Learning
- Meta-learning
learning to learn more effectively
- Curriculum learning
next training sample selected according to curriculum
- Active learning
next training sample actively rather than stochastically selected
- Domain adaptation
makes a model trained on a source domain perform well on a related target domain
- Transfer learning
leverage knowledge gained from one task to improve performance on a related task.
- Knowledge distillation
transfer knowledge from a complex model (teacher) to a more efficient model (student)
- Adversarial learning
two models are trained in a competitive setting
- Contrastive learning
learn by contrasting similar and dissimilar samples
- Data augmentation
applying various transformations to a dataset to increase diversity
- Data distillation
creates a synthetic dataset that captures the essential knowledge of a larger dataset
Learning Problems
Representation learning
learns a function that maps samples into an embedding space
Metric learning `learns a function that maps samples into an embedded space that preserves the samples’ dis/similarity
learns a function that maps samples into an embedded space that preserves the samples' rankings.
selects true or false as the task's target
selects one of the classes as the task's target
detects (true or false) if sample matches a query target.
returns all samples that match a query target
Anomaly detection
Out-of-distribution detection
detects instances not from distribution of training - data.
Open Set recognition
detects test samples from classes unseen during training.
Out-of-domain (OOD) generalization
learns from one or multiple training domains, - to extract a domain-agnostic model which can be applied to an unseen domain.
Computer Vision Examples
Object detection
Object tracking
Object recognition
Object re-identification
Instance segmentation
Semantic segmentation
Action/Activity Detection
Action/Activity recognition
Depth estimation
Instance Retrieval
Recommendation Systems
Generative models
Density estimation
Rule-based learning Quantum machine learning Fairness